November 11, 2014

USA Backpacking: Saint Louis, Missouri

A day trip to St Louis

This was my first trip to St Louis, and I was super excited. We rented a big car and drove to Rolla to pick up a friend.

This bridge structure amaze me, so I commemorate my Static knowledge by taking a picture.

It was super windy and so unexpected, we met some friends who studied in Urbana Champange for a little reunion. We decided to waste our money $6 to be on top of Saint Louis. I couldn't say it was worth it but once in a while was okay. The escalator was an egg-shape and quite small to fit in 4 people. So beware those who is Claustrophobic.

From up there, this is the $6 view that you paid for. 

At the base of the Arch, there's a Native American museum. It was cool at first as I am a museum freak. I enjoyed taking pictures with weird animal more than anything else. Oh, and the toffee shop there too. 

lastly, here's a picture from your amateur photographer.

Fun Fact: The Gateway Arch was built as a monument for Thomas Jefferson and a memorial of St Louis involvement in Westward expansion of USA. For more information, refer to your American History textbook.

Najwa A

September 18, 2014

I miss Malaysia


It's been a month dah duduk kat bumi Amareka. But to be honest, I really miss Malaysia. 

The first thing, I miss the most is of course my family. Siapa tak rindu woo dekat mak ayah dan hantu-hantu kat rumah tu.

Secong thing, I miss my bitches. Tipu la kalau cakap tak rindu Izzat, Ghazaly, Nami, Shafiq dan semua. Hmm. Lagi sedih sebab non of them really do text me. Rindu sebelah tangan je. hmm

Third thing, I miss the foods! Seriously, kalau cakap pasal makanan boleh terliur. But because I am not that eater picky type of human. Takde la rindu sangat.

Fourth thing, I miss my stationary. Serious cakap, stationary sini serious noob. Rasa nak baling dinding je. People here, they have the idea of not having variance type of product, brands whatsoever. Contohnya macam diorang punya plastic bag. Literally hampir semua orang pakai plastic bag dari walmart tu. Kalau beli pencil, ada dua je brand kat kedai. Because I am that picky type of what I use, rasa tak puas hati sangat. Luckily I bought my pens from Malaysia. 

Fifth thing, I miss the cinema, the mall and everything. Sini dia takde mall macam Malaysia where we have everything in a mall. Sini, banyak outlet. So if we want to buy shoes kena pergi tempat ni. Nak tengok wayang kena pergi tempat tu. And such. Also, Americans have weird taste with movies. Kalau datang cinema, yang rating rendah tu la best. This is true!

Sixth thing, I miss the weather. Sebab America ni empat musim and as Missouri is being in the middle, sejuk dia jangan cakap la. I almost frost my fingers. Dan bila sejuk, fridge menjadi peneman setia. I will be at the fridge searching for food almost every minutes. Jadi tataw la naik badan ke tak. *nangis*

Seveth thing, I am whining at the best! Ok je kalau duduk sini. haha. I am surviving and happily smiling with sleepy eyes here. Columbia ni best je. Seriously! The best place to study. I am being serious too here.

Good night! 

April 09, 2014


Because we will become unconquerable because our supporter will never be conquered. HE will never be conquered.